Sunday, January 30, 2011

Making a Voki

When I first read that we were going to be making a voki I had absolutely no idea what that was. Surprising it was VERY easy. It would be a great thing to use if you are going to be teaching younger children. In the case of the script that I created today I feel that younger children would be very excited and interested in watching an animated person speak.  This is a very interesting and cutie way to add things to your blog page and by using the same voki avatar it would neat to  do updates on what is coming up in the class for your students to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! You'll find some more ideas for using Vokis in their new newsletter:

    Isn't it exciting to be on the ground floor of a new education tool? Think about adding one to your team wiki--or next week, to your OWN wiki!
