Monday, January 24, 2011


                With this being by first blogging experience looking at other teacher’s blogs will be a great resource for information. One particular blog I took an interest in was by Cool Cat Teacher.  I found her blog interesting because she blogged about technology advances that are coming up in the future for educators as well as students. One particular post I took an interest to is about how students have mobile devices more than laptops and the free math apps that will available for students in the future. This teacher is an advocate for technology in the classroom.
                Another blog I took interest in is by Fascinate-Educate. This blog was interesting to me because it looked like it would be a good resource for both parents and teachers. A summer project was given, and also a video to teach students about vowels was posted. For major holidays she gave crafts and questions to ask students that pertain to the select holiday. As an example for Valentine’s Day she gave writing ideas for students to complete.
                Blogging I believe will be a great resource for ideas in the classroom as well as a great way to give parents an idea of what is going on in the classroom.  By the time I am a teacher I am sure that majority of the parents of the students I will teach will be blogging. By simply blogging homework assignments or just letting the parents know what activities their children are doing will get parents more involved. With the growth of technology, as teachers we must grow with it and try different things. Blogging is one way to expand on the never ending excitement of the technology era!

1 comment:

  1. Blogs are a great source of information and inspiraton! You found several good ones and there are hundreds of them!

    Nice blog, nice post! Good start!
